What Else Can You Do With One Burning Line?

This is going to be rad!

I'm making rad burned lines like this and like that.  

Sometimes I'm watched.  That makes me nervous.  So I make an effort.

But there is a limit to how much you can sketch with something on fire.

It's very beautiful.

I love the little textures and flame marks.  I usually don't draw with color because this effect is pretty cool just like this.

Using the hand-held fuse is sort of like drawing left-handed.  

Sometimes I draw left-handed.  Who will know?

Am I ambidextrous?  

I doubt it.

Sometimes neither hand knows what the other is doing.  But there are connections from my heart to my head to my hands that burn through.

It's kind of like I opened up my head and ran a hot, smoldering, fuse right into my brain.

So this is an expression of me.  Burns. Shapes. Lines.  I try to explain what I feel.

What else can you do with one burning line?

Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist, former CEO, and author of LESS KILLING. Stick currently lives and creates explosive pop art at The Blast Factory in Madison, Wisconsin. Not limited to one medium, he works in gunpowder drawings and paintings, photography, digital art and writing. Please follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter.