The Middleman

The Middleman
The Middleman (Blue). (2015) 18" x 24" Gunpowder. Fuse. Neon Spray Paint. Paper.
This dynamic exploded human was created in a lively blast! A strong personality built of deep burns and texture on bright blue neon spray paint coated paper. It's nice to blow up the middleman.
Primitive. Modern. Explosive.
American gunpowder artist, Vega carefully places powder and fuses on the surface of the art, which he positions horizontally on the floor (or blast table). When ignited, first the fuses burns instantly along the cord lines, igniting the gunpowder and creating a blast, which then vanish in clouds of smoke. The result is a textured surface that looks and feels like an explosion—the art is blackened, charred, and erupted, arrested in a state of being created in a flash.
When the fuse is lit there is a moment of uncertainty. What will happen? It is at that moment that true art exists.