I Can't F**k Up!
I can't fuck up.
And there are so many opportunities to do that.
When I light the fuse, I'm like, "Wow this is gonna happen!"
Gunpowder. Fuse. Wind. Scale. Distance. Speed. Color. Texture. Temperature. So many variables. I only get one chance. There is a chance my work will get blown to bits. There is a chance I will get burned. Getting burned hurts.
I make a detailed plan. Should I add more gunpowder?
I can't fuck up.
The smoke clears. I can't go back The explosion and fire has torched and fused everything. I get my scraper out to clear debris and add some texture. But it's about restraint.
I think, "I can't touch this, I love this!" It's difficult. I'm always battling, "How far should I go? When is this done?" Some of my drawings are so simple. But they need some charisma. Some personality. My head can turn to mush as things get so complicated.
Focus Vega. Focus. I can't erase burns. I can't rewind explosions.
I can't fuck up.
Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist and author of LESS KILLING. He creates explosive pop art and blogs from The Blast Factory in Madison, WI. Follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter.