I Am Not Anti-Social!
I am an individual.
My Mom said that. I believed her.
So I have always followed my own path. From a lab tech to wood cutter. From a bar owner to label buyer. From a chocolate buyer to a long john salesman. From a valet to CEO and business owner. From financial planner to investment analyst. From a photographer to writer to artist and back again.
Now, I blow things up. I hope they look cool. This is a way of life and I am committed to it.
When people ask what I do. I say I'm an artist.
It used to be hard to say that. Why?
Was I worried people would think I'm a slacker? Or, that I am broke?
I'm neither.
I try to avoid groups and organizations. They stress me out.
Most groups need meetings. I hate meetings. They take too long. So many things never get done.
I am not anti-social. The problem is probably being too social. I like getting to know people. I talk too much. I worry about others and try to help. I lose focus on what I am trying to achieve.
So, what am I try to achieve?
I am always questioning myself.
Am I on the right path?
Am I getting better?
What does my work mean?
Are the details right?
Do the colors suck?
I ask Renee these questions all the time.
She says "You'll know when it's right. You're the artist!"
Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist, former CEO, and author of LESS KILLING. Stick currently lives and creates explosive pop art at The Blast Factory in Madison, Wisconsin. Not limited to one medium, he works in gunpowder drawings and paintings, photography, digital art and writing. Please follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter.