Blow Up The Bachelor!

I watch the Bachelor.

I watch the Bachelorette.

I am not certain why.  Renee watches with me. Maybe because it's trashy, stupid, fun.  Maybe it's because it suspends reality.  Most the time when it's over I say, "Man, I can't believe we wasted our time watching that!".  But the next week rolls around and Renee and I tune it in again.

So my new art,  the Bachelor series, is based on some of the guys I would like to see.

I did these three new paintings with red high-speed fuse and gunpowder on acrylic painted paper. Then I used a 15mm black acrylic marker to develop their personality. Each is 12x12. The Blast Factory released The Bachelors  (One, Two, and Three) for sale today.

They have a little bit of a street art vibe - part drawing, part painting, part explosion - they are vulnerable, open, and fun.  Just the way the bachelorette wants them. 

By the way, I'm pulling for Shawn B.  He has great hair.  But, I don't think Kaitlyn is good enough for him.

Don't wait for the rose ceremony. Meet and buy your Bachelor today:    Bachelor #1     Bachelor #2     Bachelor #3


Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist and author of LESS KILLING. He creates explosive pop art and blogs from The Blast Factory in Madison, WI. Follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter