Is That All I Have Upstairs?

Am I brave?

I use gunpowder and fuse.  I blow up my art.

I'm trying to create something bold.  Something that has never been heard of before.

My work goes through an intense process  of layering paint, burning, scraping and drawing.

I am not afraid to mix things up.  Creating with energy.

I'm now starting some stronger abstractions.  

Blacks.  Grays.  Burns.  

Some sort of hybrid "Pop" art.

It's emotional doing this.  It' s a change.  

Progress perhaps?

Or am I just exploring the deep seeded, unconscious, corners of my mind?

Blacks. Grays. Burns.  If my work is consumed and judged. Is that all I have upstairs?

If I am fearless.

Why am I so scared?


Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist, former CEO, and author of LESS KILLING. Stick currently lives and creates explosive pop art at The Blast Factory in Madison, Wisconsin. Not limited to one medium, he works in gunpowder drawings and paintings, photography, digital art and writing. Please follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter.