Stick Vega For Governor!

I have been working on gallery applications and I had a thought. Maybe I should fill out an application and run for Governor of the State of Wisconsin.  

Governor Vega! Rally!

I am  57-years old and a pro artist, business consultant, and retired CEO and business owner.

Renee and I have been married 33 years. (She said please don't do this!)  I have two adult sons, Michael and Harrison.  I have a wonderful daughter-in-law, Mike's wife, Kara.  I'll be a Grandpa soon.  So the future matters.

I grew up in the small (but cool) town of Viroqua.  So I have some experience with the issues facing small towns.

I currently live in Monona, just outside Madison, So I have a sense for larger city issues, also,

I went to a public high school and have a Bachelors Degree in Economics from UW-Madison. I have an MBA from a private school, Edgewood College.  Education matters.

I passed my Ethics course!

My job experience is varied: bar tender, lumberjack. sub-sandwich shop manager, math tutor, lab technician, valet, print and plastics buyer,  label buyer,  chocolate buyer and marketer. Then, I went to work at WinterSilks as a  Silk long john salesman, Directory of Marketing, VP Marketing, President,  CEO and owner.  I worked many service jobs including phones, customer service and warehouse and fulfillment.

Renee and I were on welfare for a year in the early 80's.  We were working but could not afford rent and enough food for Mike.  It was short-term.  I helped us a lot.  We moved forward.

I worked for a number of years with large investment banks.  I understand the need to be profitable.  And I understand greed and problems it causes.

I have a few good friends that are golf professionals.  They can vouch for me.  They know I play by the rules.  Gerrymandering is cheating.  What decent soul would want to win by cheating? 

I understand hard work.  

In the mid-90s I lead WinterSilks through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  I did not use this as an opportunity to crush those we owed money and make a profit.  I used it as an opportunity to pay everyone back and keep the business operating and to keep people employed.  I had a lot of help. The judge said I did a good job.

My companies were profitable 24 out of 25 years.  We grew from nothing to over $100 million in sales. We created lots of jobs.

I've created new products, companies and brands.  I know we can grow Wisconsin's economy.

I worked and planned for many years to provide paid health care for our associates.

Now I'm a full-time artist and part-time business consultant.

I would love to debate Scott Walker one-on-one.  The math does not lie.  He does.  Actually, I would love to debate Trump.  The math does not lie.  He does.

I am a fiscally conservative Democrat.  Government budgets need to balance.  A deficit should only be short-term, if at all.  More importantly, I understand that there are two sides to the equation - revenue and expenses.  There has to be plans in place to improve both.

Cutting things is not a long-term plan.  Cutting things takes no vision or leadership.  But, we need to be productive and efficient.

My plans would focus on the four E's.  Economy. Environment. Education. Everybody.  I will write more on each plan in the future.

Maybe folks will come to a rally and we can yell, "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!".  

Loud. Scary. Cool!

I don't have a slogan yet.   We need one.  

Maybe it should be "Hell Yes! Wisconsin!". Wisconsin is not Hell yet, but under Walker's plan you can see if from here!  

Actually our new puppy, Archie, likes it when we say "YES!".  So I think "YES! Wisconsin!" will work just fine.  We can brand Walker as the person of "N0!"

In the past, I was successful looking at  how the very best people, companies and organizations work. I would learn from them. And then I would try to do it better.  Minnesota and California are doing a good job in many areas! What are they doing?

We can to look to the best, then be the best.

The Government should not interfere with people's personal choices as long as those choices don't hurt others.  That is called freedom.

I'm White, so I do not fully understand or know how to solve the inherent racism and difficulties blacks face in Wisconsin. Although, a good friend of mine, a young black man,  told me to listen. So first things first, I will  listen.

We need immigrants.

I will need to get better at "tweeting" attention getting messages!

I don't like long meetings.  So we will plan lots of short meetings.

I love beer and cheese.  That should be worth a few votes.

Maybe we should build a wall on the Illinois border?  A wall of cheese!

I love to blow things up. Change is good.  I love to create things.  Growth is good.

I hope that is good enough!


Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist, former CEO, and author of LESS KILLING. Stick currently lives and creates explosive pop art at The Blast Factory in Madison, Wisconsin. Not limited to one medium, he works in gunpowder drawings and paintings, photography, digital art and writing. Please follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter.