Fused Beer Puppies Coming Soon!

Pink Dog Burst.jpg

I love dogs.

I love people.

From time to time I love to fuse them together to create fun characters.  The perfect ones have a bit of color.  

Like someone you would like to meet.

It's all fairly instantaneous.  It is not a long or complicated process.

Paper. Paint. Fuse. Lighter. Brush.

I do not want them to look too natural. 

I want them to be approachable. 

They are a bit awkward perhaps.

They have personality.

They are charismatic.

Just like the people I hang out with...

Stick Vega's new work, Beer Puppies, will debut March 8th at Waypoint Public House in Monona, WI.  The event will feature Ale Asylum and is a benefit for the Dane County Humane Society.

Artist Stick Vega studied mathematics and economics, earning a B.S. in economics from UW-Madison and an MBA from Edgewood College. He owned and was CEO of online apparel retailers WinterSilks and Venus Sportswear.  However, upon selling the companies more than a decade ago he headed straight to his studio - The Blast Factory in Madison, WI - to create explosive, modern art with gunpowder and high-speed fuse.  Stick's current work includes paintings, drawings, fusographs (exploded photographs) and writing. Please follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter.