What Is Gunpowder Art?

Simply put, gunpowder art is about interpreting and blowing up everyday life and society.  

It is the ultimate street art.  

Why? Maybe because it  is blown up in the street. 

You can also blow things up on a concrete slab, in your lawn, or on a deck of a cool bar. Perhaps you prefer the parking lot of a grocery store.  You can even explode your art indoors, but you are going to need a controlled space and lots of ventilation.  Or a big fan.

This is honest work.  Explosions are honest.  

No lies once you light the fuse.  A fireball of transparency. (Just like my run for Governor!)

With gunpowder, paint, fuse and a lighter you can create people, mountains, cities, flowers, buildings and an infinite range of abstracts.  Each piece is totally unique.

So don't worry much about what "gunpowder art" is and isn't.  The most important thing at the end of the day is creating powerful, compelling, and emotional images.  Then , blowing them up.

Please check out a few works in my shop.


Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist, former CEO, and author of LESS KILLING. Stick currently lives and creates explosive pop art at The Blast Factory in Madison, Wisconsin. Not limited to one medium, he works in gunpowder drawings and paintings, photography, digital art and writing. Please follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter.