Stick Vega's New Fuse Burned Photographs! Gentle! Brisk!

I keep trying to move forward.  I really do.  I try out and test new things every opportunity I have.

Fusing together my explosion art with photographs with burning fuses made sense to me.

See, I have always been obsessed with and worked hard to create beautiful and cool images with my camera.  I learned the basics in a couple of photography classes many years ago at Viroqua High School. I have shot ever since. As my career and building my business grew I had the opportunity work with many world class photographers.  I learned a lot.  I was involved with and reviewed tens of thousand of images.

Over the years I worked a lot with actual film cameras. When I could afford the film, I shot a lot of grainy, high contrast black and white. This is before there were simple apps to do this work. Some of these photos still look pretty cool.  

At the same time I painted with acrylics and blew them up with gunpowder and fuse.

Currently, I use all my tools every single day.  Camera. Paint. Gunpowder. Fuse.

So this new work is a logical progression for me.  Fuse burned photographs.

The process and in practice though this is much tougher than you realize.

The photographic papers burn very quickly.  I need to work minimally and fast. 


Photographs scratch and mar easily. So I need to work in a light and delicate way.


I just finished and framed my first two fuse burned photographs. They will be available for for sale shortly. And, I hope to present a new group of fuse burned abstract photos in new show at Yarhara Bay Gallery in June.

I will get more into the process in another post.  But for now, I hope you enjoy these.


Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist, former CEO, and author of LESS KILLING. Stick currently lives and creates explosive pop art at The Blast Factory in Madison, Wisconsin. Not limited to one medium, he works in gunpowder drawings and paintings, photography, digital art and writing. Please follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter.