Chris Viggunpowder drawing, gunpowder artist, explosion art, abstract art, modern art, popart, Gallery 1308, Universitiy of Wisconsin - Madison, Union South, gunpowder, explosion
Fear, Anxiety, and Explosions!
Prada, Versace, Vega!
Chris Viggunpowder drawing, gunpowder painting, explosion, modern art, modernart, Pop Art, popart, Marc Jacobs, Prada, Versace
Story Telling Is A Blast!
Chris VigAmerican gunpowder artist, explosion, Pop Art, popart, modern art, gunpowder artist, gunpowder painting, screenplays, stories, Bucktown, Madison, explosion art
The Art Of The Bang! Gunpowder And Sex!
Explosions, Energy, And My Alternative Universe!
Chris Viggunpowder, gunpowder painting, gunpowder drawing, Gunpowder art, explosion, explosion artist, popart, Pop Art, modernart, modern art, contemporary art, Bucktown, photoworks, photography, American gunpowder artist
WhatsAPP Vega?
Chris VigWhatsapp, gunpowder painting, fuses, Pop Art, contemporary art, Bucktown, modernart, explosion, explosion art, gunpowder, facebook, twitter, snapchat, instagram, linkedin
How To Quit Your Job (And Blow Up Things)!
Chris VigAmerican gunpowder artist, gunpowder artist, modern art, Pop Art, popart, fuse, Bucktown, contemporary art, explosion, explosion art, The Blast Factory
Vega "Pop" Art
Chris VigAmerican gunpowder artist, gunpowder painting, Gunpowder art, modernart, Pop Art, Butch Vig, Bucktown, explosion, fuses, popart
Stick Vega Launches Explosive Apparel Collection
Chris Vigapparel, gunpowder, explosion art, explosion, Pop Art, fuses, popart, modern art, modernart, contemporary art, The Blast Factory
Blowing Up Bathtubs!
Chris VigThe Blast Factory, American gunpowder artist, popart, screenplays, modern art, explosion art, gunpowder, boom, blast art, gunpowder drawing
The Wisconsin Union Directorate Art Committee Selects Vega For Solo Show
Chris VigGallery 1308, explosion art, gunpowder drawing, gunpowder painting, Universitiy of Wisconsin - Madison, American gunpowder artist, modernart, Pop Art, popart, primitive art, contemporary art
7 Things You Need To Know About Explosions!
Chris VigGunpowder art, explosion art, explosion, charitywater, charity water, modern art, Pop Art, contemporary art, modernart, popart, Bucktown, Madison, explosion artist, performance art, gunpowder painting, gunpowder drawing, 7 Thing You Should Know About Explosions, You Should Know, fuses, fire
Inspired Art Jury Selects Stick Vega!
Chris Vigone inspired evening, popart, modern art, explosion art, The Blast Factory, contemporary art, modernart, blast art, performance art, Pop Art, ART, explosion, gunpowder artist, Gunpowder art
The Stick Vega Strategic Plan
Chris Vigmodernart, contemporary art, Gunpowder art, fuses, fire art, Bucktown, Madison, Pop Art, popart, primitive art, blast art, The Blast Factory
Best Of Vega 2013
Chris VigThe Blast Factorygunpowder artist, modern art, contemporary art, explosion, explosion art, Pop Art, popart, modernart, The Blast Factory, explosion artist, performance art, Madison, Bucktown
Stick Vega's Explosvie Art - Madison Magazine
Chris VigMadison Magazine, Pop Art, gunpowder painting, gunpowder artworks, gunpowder drawing, modernart, modern art, The Blast Factory, blast art, Gunpowder art, contemporary art
Blow up Holiday Bonuses!
Exploding Christ's Pissing Dog Saves Lives!
Chris Vigmodern art, contemporary art, gunpowder painting, Gunpowder art, explosion art, abstract expressionism, Andres Serrano, Guilliermo Vargas, The Pope, American gunpowder artist, Bucktown, Madison
I Should Blow Up My TV!
Chris Vigart blast, American gunpowder artist, Bucktown, boom, Green Bay Packers, contemporary art, explosion artist, fire art, fuse, performance art, modern art, blast art, Madison, gunpowder painting, The Blast Factory, gunpowder artworks