Maybe I'll Achieve Something!

Lighter CB 2 1 .jpg

I need to get ready for the explosion event tomorrow. What do I need? I step into the The Blast Factory and look around.
Coated paper: two. Check.
Cannon powder: one pound. Check.
Neon Spray paint: 4 cans. Check.
High speed fuse: one roll. Check.
Rocks: a box full. Check
Stencil: one. Check
I need something else. Duh.
What do you need, hombre? Hombre?
I look around the studio again.
I lose my focus and think about possibilities.
What did I want?
No clue.
I need.
Crap, what do I need?
I'm standing there. 
Dude! Got it!
A lighter. 
I hold up the lighter. Click. 
Cool it works.
Maybe I'll achieve something.

Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist.  He creates explosive pop art and blogs from The Blast Factory in Madison, WI and Bucktown, Chicago, IL.  Follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter