Stick Vega 2014: Explosive Year End Review

A few years back, I used to host a company year end party.  Hundreds attended.  We drank a lot.  Then I would go through all of our "numbers" for the year.  Sales.  Packages shipped.  Sku's moved.  That sort of thing. God it was boring, boring, boring.  I swore I would never do it again. But we burned it up at The Blast Factory this year!  So with no super dull numbers, here are 11 of my favorite things of 2014:

1.  Exhibitions at The University of Wisconsin Gallery 1308, MMOCA Gallery Night, One Inspired Evening, and FCI/MOM.  We showcased a lot of work. Even better, we met a lot of great people.

2.  The live, online event, poolside with Freedy Johnston at The Blast Factory.  New work.  Intimate Songs.  Good beer. Good explosion.  And how cool that the art I created was used for the cover of Freedy's new album, "Neon Repairman".

3. Testing spray paint and gunpowder.  Just when I thought things could not get more explosive. Neon Man 1.

4. Best new work: The Uncultivated Black Series.  Worst: My self portrait.

5.  Donating my art and giving back to those less fortunate.

6.  The new Stick Vega signature hats. It's about time I got them done. Cool.

7.  Seeing Butoh dance for the fist time.  The struggle.  The emotion.  An inspiration.

8. Blowing up the Halloween Pumpkin. Boom!

9. Working on my photo essay book. "Less Killing".  Due out early next year.

10.  The woman at the FCI show that said, "You really blow this s%#t up? Damn, that is seriously awesome!"

11.  All the love from Renee, Harrison, Mike, and Kara.  It would be impossible for me to do this without their support.

2014 was an explosive year. I worked hard. I got better. 

Thanks you to everyone who purchased my work!  I hope you love it.  If not, let me know, we can blow it up again.  And thanks to everyone who visited The Blast Factory to cheer me on.

Also, thanks to Soma FM.  We listen at The Blast Factory all the time!

For 2015, after the smoke clears, the mission stays the same.  The more gunpowder I use, the less there is for killing people.  

Light it up!

Stick Vega is the American Gunpowder Artist.  He creates explosive pop art and blogs from The Blast Factory in Madison, WI and Bucktown, Chicago, IL. Follow Stick on Facebook and/or Twitter